We are doing our part to help stop the spread of Covid19.

It is mandatory that all staff wear masks during every shift. No exceptions.

It is mandatory that all staff wear masks during every shift. No exceptions.

All staff are required to sanitize their hands upon entry into a client’s home, and then wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. For certain clients it is mandatory that caregivers wear gloves.

All staff are required to sanitize their hands upon entry into a client’s home, and then wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. For certain clients it is mandatory that caregivers wear gloves during entire shift.



All staff are to stay home if they are ill or have any Covid19 symptoms. Before starting the day, staff are required to check their temperatures and answer our Covid19 questionnaire.

Like so, it is expected of our clients to report any new signs and symptoms of illness or recent exposure to Covid19. Our care manager will also check-in with clients weekly for status updates.